Linggo, Oktubre 23, 2011

until again

you knew
what it would and wouldn’t
be, let alone become,
long before i ever had the opportunity
to confuse it all. you knew
what would fail to move
before you set about to redefine
the benefit in attempting
to change what you knew would be

you knew
the realities surrounding
me, and chose to color them
in forgettable hues. you knew
where i stood, and transported
me, redefined me, and who i became
through your eyes was unrecognizable,
so i stepped away, thus becoming

Miyerkules, Oktubre 5, 2011

Darkness Falls

Lost in a realm of chaos and confusion,
Searching for lost love and hope,
Only to find demons of my past,
Fighting for my soul,

I continue on, Not giving up,
I will find the will to go on,
Fear blinds me to the truth,
Trying to see past the hate,
Only seeing anger and pain,

The thunder crashes behind me,
As I look ahead to see a small shred of light,
And laugh like a child as I stand in the light,
So different from the darkness,
Yet so much the same,
I smile as I realize that my past don’t matter,
Bad things can be forgiven,
But the future can be destroyed if you live in the past,
And the light scares away the void,
I walk from the light into the darkness,
To destroy the shadows of my past,
And to walk to my future,
My hope, I’ll go on with my life,
As I leave the darkness for the last time,
I hear a scream of agony and defeat,
I smile once again,
Knowing that if I can defeat this darkness,
That there is hope in the future…

Biyernes, Setyembre 30, 2011

I LOVE ...

I love brutal honesty, especially when it comes with such force that it takes my breath away. (hurricane-force truth is shockingly fun to both present to others and to watch being delivered)

I love when a look is all that’s required to pass a thought in its entirety to someone else. (especially when the look says words which would be rude for me to say out loud)

I love all the times when I wake up in the middle of the day/night and realize that it’s not time to get out of bed yet, and I can just bury myself back into bed.

I love drinking with intelligent people. (dumb people tend to get inexplicably more dumb while drinking 

I love reading deeply philosophical books. (even though they just tend to remind me that I’m not capable of writing one)

I love writing things down. (and then forgetting what I was talking about, so the idea is lost forever in oblivion. 

I love YouTube. (I just wish I could watch some  movies! I get online and look for an hour, then I get tired, then I fall asleep. Shit!)

I love dictionaries. (People should know … words. Lots of them.)

I love that I tried to make a list of things I love, but....

...wait... , why am I doing this ?  Maybe this says something about me. Maybe it’s SYMBOLIC of my inability to embrace change, not fight it, but sometimes that can be difficult. We get entrenched in old ways, old lines of thinking, old roles. We become a costume of a person long ago, and despite the fact that we have evolved, changed and transformed, we still wear these costumes of the old persona until we realize they only do us more harm than good.

Huwebes, Setyembre 29, 2011

One Last Time

I'm not sure how the human condition is supposed to take this. I'm well aware that my life isn't a failure, but it isn't exactly what I'd call a success either. 

It's not that I want the fame. While the fame would be nice, I must confess, I wish that I had left a mark on the world, an impact that wouldn't be forgotten. 

As it stands, I feel very much as though I haven't achieved much. Sometimes It feels like a very small noose is closing around my neck, like every direction I look, there is only a closed doorway, barred and locked from the other side, another option stripped away from me before its time should have passed.

Life is a series of choices. But what do you do when you don't have choices? What do you do when all that lays before you is a single path? 

I know, this is very unlike me. Or maybe it's very much like me. I do have options, I am aware of that. I simply don't like any of them, because all of them... they hold a great deal of unhappiness. Still, I have a great deal of unhappiness now, so I suppose, in the end, what's the difference ?

I hate the idea of my life being nothing more than a footnote. I just hope that's not what I'm relegated to. People keep telling me to chase happiness. I tried that, and for now, I'm too tired to keep chasing. People keep telling me to let go, but my hands are empty these days, and there's little left to grab on to. 

The road is long.

The journey is challenging.

The obstacles are many.

The shelters are few.

And every traveller makes a few missteps along the way.

I hope I can get back onto my feet one last time.

Huwebes, Hunyo 30, 2011

Look What He Did After Her Ex Girlfriend Posted on His Wall....Clickjack

    Is it just me or facebook scams are becoming more sexually graphic. This time the Facebook scam offers a video of a boy’s reaction when his ex-girlfriend posted on his Facebook Wall. The scam, which appears in your News Feed as a post by a friend, says “Boy reaction after his Ex girlfriend posted on his wall” and features a thumbnail of a girl who’s completely naked. If you click the video it will automatically make you like the scam page spreading further into the social network since it would be posted on your wall. It would then present you with a survey which really is the object of the scam. 

    If you've been hit by a scam like this remove the messages and the likes from your facebook profile page--and please warn your friends about the offending link. In the future, if you don't know the source of the video and looks a little bit off you would be better off not clicking.

Lunes, Abril 18, 2011

A devout Catholic—albeit one who believes that Vatican II, which formally absolved the Jews of responsibility for the death of Jesus, is illegitimate—Gibson has said that what moves him most about the Christ story is that Jesus was whipped, scourged, mocked, spat on, had spikes driven through his hands and feet, and was left to die on the cross—and that he didn't think of payback; he thought of forgiveness. But by wallowing in his torture and death for two hours, the director of The Passion of the Christ (Newmarket) suggests that he's thinking of anything but...i don't be the judge........